Your Vocal Tone & Texture Will Skyrocket!
What’s the right or best tone for this song I’m trying to learn? I’m really trying to get more like “this” singer with my singing tone. Can you help?
I wish my voice sounded better… More interesting. Any tips? Why is my voice boring and ‘flat’ sounding?
Man… I get comments and questions like these HOURLY… Most of them come in the form of YouTube comments or replies to videos I’ve made.
Believe it or not, the reason these questions are so common and cause frustration for singers in pursuit, is because there is no ‘best’ or ‘right’ tone!
It can’t be about that! It’s about learning to experiment and internalize lots of different ways of resonating and in the process, you’ll find dynamic ways to express your vocal tonality and texture. IT IS ONLY THEN that you find your best voice… And it consists of an amazing variety of textures and interesting quirks!
One of the best singers to pull from when looking for examples of ‘great tone’ is Brent Smith from Shinedown. His tonal and resonance shifts are initially perceived as subtle, but when you start to dig deeper, you realize that there is an amazing amount of dynamic changing in every line… Every syllable even.
Join me as I unpack Brent’s amazing voice and in the process, show singers frustrated by flat or static tone exactly where the answers and solutions can be found!
Ready for me to help you on a deeper level with YOUR voice? Request An Invitation to DISCOVER YOUR VOICE!