Sing Higher & Lower Consistently - ft. Hardest Chris Cornell Song
Every singer wants a better range. Typically this means trying to sing higher. But what about singing lower… AND higher, more consistently while singing really hard songs all the way through!?!
That’s what it is really all about right? We don’t just want to hit notes. We want to be able to have full, regular access to a growing vocal range at all times. When we want to sing a challenging song, we don’t want to be only comfortable in one area of our voice. We want the whole thing!
Singers tend to get in ruts where they warm up their ‘low voice’ and then don’t have a high voice. Or they warm up their high voice and the richness of their low voice disappears. UGH. It doesn’t have to be this way.
Let me SHOW you how to stoke and maintain a full, accessible and HUGE range by unpacking how I learned… By listening to and singing a really hard Soundgarden song!
Ready for me to help you on a deeper level with YOUR voice? Request An Invitation to DISCOVER YOUR VOICE!