Is Auto-Tune Ruining Vocals? Hear From Ronnie Radke, Spencer Sotelo, Lukas Magyar - Pitch Correction!
Hey! Chris Liepe here.
It sure gets a lot of online hate!!
As a vocalist, you’re often looked down upon if anyone (even falsely) hears a hint of pitch correction: “That’s not what REAL singers do!!” … “That guy uses too much Auto-Tune. He’s cheating!!” …”She wouldn’t be anyone without the help of pitch correction”…
Well, I’m not going to say what I think until we actually talk to THE PROS. No… Not the judges or trolls… Real, famous, working professional singers.
Join me for insights from Ronnie Radke, Spencer Sotelo and Lukas Magyar on the use of pitch correction. Keep an open mind (I will do 🙂 )!!
Thanks for being one of my students and for interacting so much as you work through the journey!
I know this video is going to be a fantastic conversation starter! Let me know your thoughts! (Let’s start a thread on the facebook group and get some good discussion going!)